
Taking up adaptive sports

A man on a pickleball court wearing a dark tee shirt and yellow shorts and a woman in a wheelchair swinging back her racquet to hit the ball; she's wearing a bright pink top

Health guidelines recommend adults get at least 150 minutes per week of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise, or at least 75 minutes of vigorous exercise. Which activities you choose don’t matter as long as they get you moving.

But what if an injury, illness, health condition, disability, or even normal aging makes being active hard for you? In those cases, adaptive sports could lend a much-needed hand.

What are adaptive sports?

Adaptive sports are competitive or recreational sports or activities for people with disabilities or physical limitations. They often run parallel to traditional endeavors, but are modified to support people’s specific physical abilities.

“Eventually, almost everyone will experience some kind of disability that impedes regular exercise, whether it’s mild arthritis, requiring a knee or hip replacement, limited vision, or a more significant physical disability,” says Dr. Cheri Blauwet, an associate professor in physical medicine and rehabilitation at Harvard Medical School, and a former wheelchair racer who is a seven-time Paralympic medalist and two-time winner of both the Boston and New York City Marathons. “But today, because of advanced technology and supportive infrastructure, people can find almost any kind of sport or activity that takes into account their abilities and helps them stay active.”

Why is it important to stay active?

Not getting sufficient regular exercise increases the risk of heart disease, stroke, obesity, diabetes, and cancer. It also affects mood. And people with disabilities are especially vulnerable because of the challenges of staying active, says Dr. Blauwet. “Adaptive sports are a way for us to continue to exercise regularly and support our health and well-being going forward.”

Research backs this up. According to one study, people participating in adaptive sports and activities report better overall health, quality of life, and social life.

How can you learn about options for adaptive activities near you?

You can find state and local adaptive sports programs and accessible activities through the websites of the National Center on Health, Physical Activity and Disability and the Challenged Athletes Foundation. “These programs also can help you find mentors, coaches, and the support system that you need to be successful,” says Dr. Blauwet.

What kind of sport or activity you choose ultimately depends on your interests and level of function, but many options are available.

Build on strengths and consider new activities

Dr. Blauwet shares other strategies that can help you transition to adaptive activities.

Look at your current form of exercise. “Almost any kind of sport or activity can be adjusted to accommodate people with disabilities, so there is a good chance you can continue with a favorite endeavor,” says Dr. Blauwet.

For instance, as part of her ongoing therapy, former Arizona representative Gabby Giffords, an avid cyclist who lives with a brain injury after an assassination attempt, now rides a recumbent bike because of paralysis on her right side and balance issues. (A recumbent bike is a three-wheel bicycle that places the rider in a seated or laid-back reclining position.)

Other sports and activities can be altered similarly. For example, specialized golf carts can help you stand and stabilize your body while swinging the club. Sledge hockey uses sleds to skate across the ice.

Focus on your strengths. Don’t dwell on what you can’t do, but focus on what you can. Running no longer an option? How about power walking using walking poles for support? Can’t use your legs? Focus on upper body activities like swimming or kayaking. Low vision? Guides are available to help you walk, run, and cycle.

Join a team. Many adaptive sports have organized team leagues with adjusted rules and formats, like wheelchair basketball and tennis, and “beep” baseball and kickball for individuals with low vision. “These are a great way to build more awareness about your new endeavor and build a community with other peers with similar disabilities,” says Dr. Blauwet. “Plus, a little competition provides extra motivation.”

Try something new. Use your new functional status as an opportunity to attempt a different sport or activity. “Test the waters and try something that has always interested you,” says Dr. Blauwet. “Now might be the ideal time to explore waterskiing, windsurfing, horseback riding, or rock wall climbing.”

It may be mentally and emotionally tough to embrace adaptive sports and activities, as it can feel like your disability has become magnified. But don’t let that dissuade you, adds Dr. Blauwet. “Staying committed to being active and investing in your health can help reduce and eliminate any negative stigma you feel. Participation in adaptive sports is not a lesser way of living, but a way to live better.”

About the Author

photo of Matthew Solan

Matthew Solan, Executive Editor, Harvard Men's Health Watch

Matthew Solan is the executive editor of Harvard Men’s Health Watch. He previously served as executive editor for UCLA Health’s Healthy Years and as a contributor to Duke Medicine’s Health News and Weill Cornell Medical College’s … See Full Bio View all posts by Matthew Solan


Are certain fruits healthier than others?

close up image of a colorful variety of assorted fruits

In the US, we are fortunate to have a dizzying array of fruits that fill our grocery stores year-round. They come in all sizes, shapes, and colors, and we have all heard about the recommended five servings of fruits and vegetables a day. So, what are we eating them for? And how does the nutritional value vary between fruits? Is there any difference between whole fruits versus juice, fresh versus dried? Let’s take a look.

Differences between fruits

Just like other foods, different fruits have different nutrient values. Generally, whole fruits are good sources of fiber while fruit juices are not. And one cup of fruit juice, even 100% fruit juice, has a lot more sugar than one piece or one serving of whole fruit. In addition, whole fruits are more satiating than juices. When meeting the recommended fruit and vegetable intake, it is better to eat them (whole) than drink them (juice). However, one should not completely avoid drinking juice — if it is 100% juice — but you should limit consumption to no more than 4 to 8 ounces a day.

The freezer section of the grocery store is often stocked with quite a variety of frozen fruits. These are often peeled and cut already (like mango), which is convenient and often less expensive than fresh fruits. Frozen fruits are usually picked and quick-frozen near the point of harvest, therefore the nutrients are well preserved. Moreover, some seasonal fruits such as blueberries are readily available in frozen form. The key to selection is to choose plain frozen fruits without added sugar.

There are a number of fruits that are available in dried form, such as raisins, apricots, and pineapple — just to name a few. They also have good nutrient values, keep for a long time, are convenient to carry around, and are high in calories, making them a favorite for hikers and campers. However, some often have sugar added in the drying process, particularly mango and pineapple. Dried cranberries almost always have sugar added, as they are naturally very tart. Even for those without added sugar, the compact volume and sweetness make it quite easy to eat a lot in one sitting, and the calories can add up quickly.

Some dried fruits like raisins and apricots are also treated with sulfur dioxide to preserve freshness and color. For most people that is not a concern; however, some individuals are sensitive, especially those with asthma. Sulfur dioxide treatment is labeled on the package, so it is not difficult to avoid if necessary.

What about buying organic?

We have much choice when it comes to organic and conventionally grown fruits, be they fresh, frozen, or dried. Nutritionally, there is not enough difference to choose one over the other, though consumers might choose one over another based on farming practices and environmental impact. The US has regulations on pesticide use, but some fruits tend to have more residual pesticides than others, and it is always recommended that you wash fruits thoroughly before eating.

Differences in nutritional value

Different fruits are good sources of different nutrients. Citrus fruits are high in vitamin C, and other fruits are good sources of nutrients too. A few examples below:


Major functions

Good fruit sources


fluid and electrolyte balance, maintaining healthy blood pressure

oranges, raspberries, bananas, cherries, pomegranates, honeydew melons, avocados


formation of red blood cells, brain growth in children

dried apricots, raisins

vitamin C

maintaining healthy immune system, wound healing, antioxidant

citrus fruits, strawberries, kiwi


DNA synthesis, formation of red blood cells, early neural tube development in the fetus

oranges, mangos, avocados

vitamin A

night vision, cell growth, immune function


Besides the above nutrients, certain fruits are also high in flavonoids. This is a diverse group of compounds, some of which are potent antioxidants that protect against oxidative damage, and may reduce the risk of certain diseases such as cardiovascular disease and diabetes. In particular, citrus fruits are high in the flavanones class of flavonoids, and blackberries, blueberries, cranberries, and cherries are high in the anthocyanidins class of flavonoids.

So, what fruits should we eat?

As you can see, there isn’t one fruit that has all the nutrients, so eating a variety is the key to good health. Try something new! Most adults should eat a variety of colors for about 2 cups a day. Prioritize whole fruits over juice. Eat what is in season, as it will be cheaper. And enjoy your fruits: eat mindfully to fully appreciate the smell, texture, and flavor. Bon appetit!

About the Author

photo of Teresa Fung, MS, RD, ScD

Teresa Fung, MS, RD, ScD, Contributor

Teresa Fung is an adjunct professor at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. She received her BS and MS in nutrition from Cornell University, and her ScD in both nutrition and epidemiology from HSPH. She … See Full Bio View all posts by Teresa Fung, MS, RD, ScD