
3 simple swaps for better heart health

illustration of hands holding a red heart against a yellow background

Busy days make it hard to put heart health on the front burner. It just feels like you don't have time for habits that keep the ticker in top shape — like exercising regularly, getting enough sleep, and eating a healthy diet. So maybe you take the stairs when you can, or you park farther away from a store to rack up a few extra steps each day. But what else can you do? Here are three things that might fit in your schedule.

Swap electronic communication for an in-person meeting

It's fine if texting, emailing, social media, or Zoom calls are your primary means of communicating with others. But it's not okay if those methods leave you feeling lonely or isolated — two problems linked to higher risks for heart disease, heart attack, or stroke, according to a scientific statement from the American Heart Association in the Journal of the American Heart Association.

To combat loneliness and isolation, try to replace some of your electronic back-and-forth with people with in-person meetings. Maybe you can find room in your schedule for a quick walk, cup of coffee, or brief lunch with a friend or colleague.

"Time spent face-to-face helps connect you to others and may make you feel less isolated," explains Matthew Lee, a sociologist and research associate at Harvard University's Human Flourishing Program. "Being physically co-present can help you feel more engaged with others, more valued, and more likely to feel a sense of shared identity — all things that may help ease loneliness. This is why some doctors are starting to engage in 'social prescribing,' including suggesting that people get involved in volunteering and other activities that build in-person social relationships."

A recent study published in the International Journal of Public Health by Lee and a team of Harvard-led researchers suggests that better social connectedness may reduce the risk of being diagnosed with depression or anxiety. Both are associated with heart disease or making existing heart conditions worse.

Swap an unhealthy breakfast for a healthier one

Is your typical breakfast something quick and full of refined (not whole) grains, processed meat, saturated fat, or added sugar? Eating that kind of food regularly may drive up calories, weight, blood sugar, or cholesterol levels — and that's not good for your heart.

Instead, choose breakfast foods rich in fiber, a type of carbohydrate that either passes through the body undigested (insoluble fiber) or dissolves into a gel (soluble fiber) that coats the gut.

Not only does fiber help digestion, it also

  • traps, mops up, and lowers bad [LDL] cholesterol that can lead to clogged arteries
  • controls blood sugar and lowers the risk for diabetes, which is strongly associated with heart attacks and strokes
  • may help fight chronic inflammation, which plays a role in clogging arteries and causing heart attacks.

Fruits, nuts, seeds, whole grains (oats, barley, quinoa) and many other foods are rich in fiber. Try these fiber-rich breakfast ideas:

  • microwaved oatmeal (heat a 1/2 cup of oatmeal with almost a cup of low-fat milk for about two minutes)
  • a serving of cooked quinoa (cold, if you have it in your fridge) with a dollop of nonfat Greek yogurt, berries, and granola
  • whole-grain cereal with milk (go for cereals with the highest amounts of whole grains and lowest amounts of added sugars)
  • a slice of whole-grain toast with two tablespoons of nut butter (like almond or peanut butter)
  • one or two handfuls of homemade trail mix (use your favorite unsalted nuts, sunflower seeds, and dried fruit such as raisins or apricots).

Swap a few minutes of scroll time for meditation time

If you ever take a break from your busy day to scroll through news on your phone or computer, chances are you can also find a little time to meditate, which is important for heart health. Research indicates that people who meditate have lower rates of high cholesterol, diabetes, high blood pressure, stroke, and coronary artery disease compared with people who don't meditate.

What's the connection? Meditating triggers the body's relaxation response, a well-studied physiological change that appears to help lower your blood pressure, heart rate, breathing rate, oxygen consumption, adrenaline levels, and levels of the stress hormone cortisol.

The great news: it doesn't take much time to reap the heart-healthy benefits of meditating — just about 10 to 20 minutes per day.

Ideas for quick ways to meditate in a busy day include sitting quietly, closing your eyes, and

  • focusing on your breathing, without judging sounds you hear or thoughts that pop into your head
  • listening to a guided meditation, which uses mental images to help you relax
  • listening to a recording of calming sounds such as waves, a bubbling brook, or gentle rain.

Just try to calm your brain for a few minutes a day. Soon, you may find you've become better at meditating and better at practicing other heart-healthy habits, no matter how busy you are.

About the Author

photo of Heidi Godman

Heidi Godman, Executive Editor, Harvard Health Letter

Heidi Godman is the executive editor of the Harvard Health Letter. Before coming to the Health Letter, she was an award-winning television news anchor and medical reporter for 25 years. Heidi was named a journalism fellow … See Full Bio View all posts by Heidi Godman


Respiratory health harms often follow flooding: Taking these steps can help

Aerial view of a city in Texas with flooding in  streets and buildings in the foreground

Heavy rains and sea level rise contribute to major flooding events that are one effect of climate change. Surging water rushing into buildings often causes immediate harms, such as drowning deaths, injuries sustained while seeking shelter or fleeing, and hypothermia after exposure to cold waters with no shelter or heat.

But long after news trucks leave and public attention moves on, flooding continues to affect communities in visible and less visible ways. Among the less visible threats is a higher risk of respiratory health problems like asthma and allergic reactions. Fortunately, you can take steps to minimize or avoid flooding, or to reduce respiratory health risks after flooding occurs.

How does flooding trigger respiratory health issues?

Flooding may bring water contaminated with toxic chemicals, heavy metals, pesticides, biotoxins, sewage, and water-borne pathogens into buildings. Afterward, some toxic contaminants remain in dried sediments left behind. When disturbed through everyday actions like walking and cleaning, this turns into microscopic airborne dust. Anything in that dried flood sediment — the toxic chemicals, the metals, the biotoxins — is now in the air you breathe into your lungs, potentially affecting your respiratory health.

Buildings needn’t be submerged during flooding to spur respiratory problems. Many homes we studied after Hurricane Ida suffered water intrusion through roofs, windows, and ventilation ducts — and some were more than 100 miles away from coastal regions that bore the brunt of the storm.

The growth of mold can also affect health

Another common hazard is mold, a fungal growth that forms and spreads on damp or decaying organic matter. Indoor mold generally grows due to extensive dampness, and signals a problem with water or moisture. Damp materials inside buildings following a flood create perfect conditions for rapid mold growth.

Mold can be found indoors and outdoors in all climates. It spreads by making tiny spores that float through the air to land in other locations. No indoor space is entirely free from mold spores, but exposure to high concentrations is linked with respiratory complications such as asthma, allergic rhinitis, and sinusitis. Thus, flooding affects respiratory health by increasing the risk of exposure to higher concentrations of mold spores outdoors and indoors.

For example, after Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans in 2005, the average outdoor concentration of mold spores in flooded areas was roughly double that of non-flooded areas, and the highest concentrations of mold spores were measured indoors. A study on the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina and the flooding in the UK in 2007 showed that water damage accelerated mold growth and respiratory allergies.

Children are especially vulnerable to health problems triggered by mold. All respiratory symptoms — including asthma, bronchitis, eye irritation, and cough — occurred more often in homes reporting mold or dampness, according to a study on the respiratory health of young children in 30 Canadian communities. Other research demonstrates that mold contributes to development of asthma in children.

What can you do to protect against the health harms of flooding?

Our research in New Orleans, LA after Hurricane Ida in 2021 identified common factors — both in housing and flooding events — with great impact on respiratory health. Preliminary results suggest two deciding factors in whether substantial indoor mold appeared were the age of a building’s roof and how many precautionary measures people took after flooding from the hurricane. The impact on respiratory health also varied with flood water height, days per week spent at home, and how many precautionary measures were taken after Ida swept through.

Informed by this and other research, we offer the following tips — some to tackle before flooding or heavy rains, and some to take afterward. While you may not be able to entirely prevent flooding from hurricanes or major storms, taking these and other steps can help.

Before seasonal storms, flooding, or heavy rains start: Protect against water intrusion

  • Repair the roof, clean gutters, and seal around skylights, vent pipes, and chimneys to prevent leaks. These are some of the most vulnerable components of a building during storms and hurricanes.
  • Declutter drains and empty septic tanks.
  • Construct barriers and seal cracks in outer walls and around windows, to prevent heavy rain and floodwater from entering.
  • Install a sump pump to drain water from the basement, and backflow valves on sewer lines to prevent water from backing up into the home.

After flooding or major rainstorms: Move quickly to reduce dampness and mold growth

The Environmental Protection Agency recommends limiting contact with flood water, which may have electrical hazards and hazardous substances, including raw sewage. Additionally:

  • Minimize your stay in flooded regions (particularly after hurricanes) or buildings until they are dry and safe.
  • Check building for traces of water intrusion, dampness, and mold growth immediately after flooding.
  • Drain floodwater and dispose of remaining sediment.
  • Remove affected porous materials. If possible, dry them outdoors under sunlight.
  • Increase the ventilation rate by leaving all windows and doors open, or use a large exhaust fan to dry out the building as fast as possible.
  • Use dehumidifiers in damp spaces such as basements.
  • Upgrade the air filters in your HVAC system to at least MERV 13, or use portable air cleaners with HEPA filters to reduce your exposure to airborne mold spores.

What to do if you spot mold growth

  • Wear a well-fitted N95 face mask, gloves, and rubber boots to clean.
  • Clean and disinfect anything that has been in contact with water using soap, detergents, and/or antibacterial cleaning products.
  • Dispose of moldy materials in sealed heavy-duty plastic bags.

Taking steps like these — before and after a major storm — goes a long way toward protecting your respiratory health.

Read Flooding Brings Deep Trouble in Harvard Medicine magazine to learn more about the health hazards related to floods.

About the Authors

photo of Parham Azimi, PhD

Parham Azimi, PhD, Contributor

Dr. Parham Azimi is a research associate in the department of environmental health at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, investigating the indoor environment’s impact on occupant health and wellness and strategies to improve … See Full Bio View all posts by Parham Azimi, PhD photo of Joseph Allen, DSc, MPH, CIH

Joseph Allen, DSc, MPH, CIH, Contributor

Dr. Joseph Allen is an associate professor in the department of environmental health at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, and the director of Harvard’s Healthy Buildings Program. He is the coauthor of Healthy … See Full Bio View all posts by Joseph Allen, DSc, MPH, CIH


Mud runs: Dirty, challenging, next-level fun

A muddy woman, laughing, goes through mud run obstacle course as a woman leans forward to help; both have colorful stripes on cheeksRemember childhood summers when you climbed monkey bars, swung from ropes, and jumped over streams? Rain just added to the fun, leaving you soaked and muddy.

You can relive those adventures by signing up for a mud run. These outdoor team events focus on navigating through military-inspired obstacle courses and getting good and dirty in the process.

Tough Mudder and Spartan races are the most well-known mud races. But similar mud runs are available in most states. Some offer shorter distances and levels of difficulty. Others are designed just for women, kids, or families.

How do mud runs work?

Usually these events follow the same basic concept: participants traverse a course that covers anywhere from three to 10 miles (or longer), and tackle 10 to 25 obstacles.

While some mud races can be done solo, most are designed as team-oriented events. Teams are often coed and consist of five to 10 people. There is no time limit, but depending on the distance and number of obstacles, most teams complete the course in anywhere from less than an hour to three-plus hours.

The obstacles are challenging enough that most people need help — physically and emotionally — to navigate over, under, and across them. This is where a “we’re-all-in-this-together” comradery comes into play.

What sort of obstacles are featured in mud runs?

Common obstacles include

  • climbing over spider web-like cargo nets
  • scaling walls of various heights
  • swinging from ropes with handles
  • keeping your balance while walking across beams or logs
  • carrying logs or sandbags
  • slithering under barbed wire.

And then there’s all the mud. Be prepared to trudge through sticky mud pits, crawl through muddy tunnels, and shoot down mud-slick slides.

What are the health benefits of a mud run?

According to Dr. Aaron Baggish, founder of the Cardiovascular Performance Center at Harvard-affiliated Massachusetts General Hospital, the benefits of these events come from how they are constructed.

“Obstacle racing combines large-muscle, whole-body resistance exercises superimposed on a long-distance endurance race,” he says. “They are a snapshot of all-around conditioning, as you need strength, stamina, and mobility.”

Besides the physical benefits, mud races offer psychological challenges, and the emotional rewards, of conquering tasks that require planning, coordination, and strategy.

How can you prepare for a mud run?

Mud races require strenuous exercise, so discuss your safety and capabilities with your doctor before signing up for an event. While almost anyone of any age can participate in these events, they require a certain level of conditioning to complete and to reduce the risk of experiencing injury.

“Training for obstacle races incorporates many aspects of fitness and performance,” says Dr. Baggish. “So it’s best to prepare with a coach or trainer who understands the fundamental skills needed to complete these races.”

Whether or not you work with a trainer, you’ll want to focus on:

  • Aerobic fitness. While you won’t consistently run as you do in a traditional road race, such as a 5K or a half marathon, you do have to hustle from obstacle to obstacle. “Optimal training for such obstacle races involves a combination of steady-state aerobic base training like jogging or cycling, coupled with interval work that simulates the start-and-stop nature of competition,” says Dr. Baggish.
  • Grip strength. You will have to grab, hold, and pull yourself against gravity. Exercises that can help include pull-ups and farmer carries (where you hold dumbbells or kettlebells in each hand while you walk back and forth). Good form is essential during these exercises to help you avoid injury. Remember to start low when working with weights and go slow.
  • Plyometrics. Many obstacles require explosive jumps and quick movements. Exercises like box jumps, burpees, and jump squats can help replicate these moves.

How to stay safe in the mud

While being physically prepared can help reduce the risk of injury, you should take other precautions to stay safe. For instance:

  • Choose your race depending on level of fitness. Be sure you know what you’re getting into before you go.
  • Wear lightweight, moisture-wicking clothing. Avoid cotton, which gets heavy with mud and sweat.
  • Wear a headband, protective eyewear, or visor to keep mud out of the eyes.
  • Wear long shorts or pants that cover your knees to prevent scraping, or opt for knee pads.
  • Consider gloves to protect your hands and provide extra grip.
  • Cover your feet with petroleum jelly or an anti-chafing cream before putting on socks to protect wet feet from chafing and blisters.
  • Tie shoelaces tightly (but not so tight that they cut off circulation). Mud creates suction and you can quickly lose a shoe.
  • Pace yourself. Walk or take a break when needed.

Where can you find a mud run?

It depends on the level of challenge that you seek. Are you ready for a Tough Mudder or Spartan race? Looking for a family first mud run, or a Muddy Princess or Muddy Kids event?

These additional sites also can help you find mud races in your area:

  • Mud Run Finder (US)
  • Run Guides (Canada and the US)
  • Savage Race (US)

About the Author

photo of Matthew Solan

Matthew Solan, Executive Editor, Harvard Men's Health Watch

Matthew Solan is the executive editor of Harvard Men’s Health Watch. He previously served as executive editor for UCLA Health’s Healthy Years and as a contributor to Duke Medicine’s Health News and Weill Cornell Medical College’s … See Full Bio View all posts by Matthew Solan

About the Reviewer

photo of Howard E. LeWine, MD

Howard E. LeWine, MD, Chief Medical Editor, Harvard Health Publishing

Dr. Howard LeWine is a practicing internist at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, Chief Medical Editor at Harvard Health Publishing, and editor in chief of Harvard Men’s Health Watch. See Full Bio View all posts by Howard E. LeWine, MD